Children's Church
Children's Church is held each Sunday for children 4 years old to 4th grade. Children who want to attend Children's Church will sit with their parents in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. They will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall right after the offertory. Kids will have a great time learning about Jesus while parents can relax and listen to the pastor's message knowing their kids are safe and having fun.
Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids is a coed group designed for boys and girls to come to faith in Christ as Savior, while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle through bible study, missions projects and fun activities. Kingdom Kids is open to children K through 6th grade. They meet each Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about God in a fun relaxed setting. It also gives parents the opportunity to meet the people within the church. VBS is a free program and church membership is not required to participate. It is open for all children ages 4 through 13.
Make Your ways known to me, Lord; teach me Your paths. Psalms 25:4